What is IS_nRF24L01p?
IS_nRF24L01p is a library implemented over the popular Nordic Semiconductor Radio Frequency chip nRF24L01p
This project aims to give .NET developers the tools necessary for the realization of applications using the nRF24L01p.
IS_nRF24L01p is actually avalaible on the following Platform :
- Windows Universal 10.0
- .Net Micro Framework 4.3
Issues: https://github.com/Jangojas/IS_nRF24L01p/issues
NuGet Package UWP: https://www.nuget.org/packages/IS_nRF24L01p
NuGet Package NETMF: https://www.nuget.org/packages/IS_nRF24L01p_MF
Blog post about using the library (in French) https://technoblogiot.wordpress.com/2016/05/01/developper-un-dispositif-sans-fil-iot-avec-net